Creating A New PurePromotions Brand

What is a Brand?

A brand is a group of channels (a website, microsite and Facebook Page) of a company with a target audience.


You need to add a new brand here if:

  • You want to run a campaign for another company or target audience

  • Your campaign should run on another Facebook Page

  • You handle multiple clients

  • Subscribers and social activities don’t mix between brands

Creating a new PurePromotions Brand

From PurePromotions, click on the question mark in the top right corner.


From the brands, click on create new on the right.



Populate the fields ensuring there’s a public email address and a URL to your website.


Optionally, click the connect Facebook button. From the popup, authorise Facebook to connect with PurePromotions. Select your Facebook page from the drop-down, and click update on the right.


Select create to save.