FAQ: Drag & Drop Editor

Q. Are all the emails created responsive?
A. Yes. All emails created using the D&DE will be responsive; the messages will automatically adapt to look amazing on smart phones, tablets and desktop computers.

Q. Can I see and edit the HTML of my message?
A. The HTML is not available to be edited.

Q. Can I move a message from the D&DE to the original visual editor?
A. Messages created in the D&DE are only able to be used in the D&DE.

Q. Can I save the blocks that I want to reuse?
A. Yes. Click on any component you would like to save, click the ‘…’ icon and then click on the star to save as a ‘Saved Component’. From the ‘Saved Components’ toolbox you can then reuse anything that you have previously saved.

Q. Can I name new versions of a photo when I save them?
A. Once an image has been used in an email, renaming it could cause all delivered emails that use that image to break. For that reason, we don’t allow images to be renamed once in the upload library – just in case! If you do need a different version of an image, you can change it outside of Pure360 and then upload with a new name.

Q. Can I share images across my profiles?
A. This is shared in exactly the same way as it was before. If you’ve got content in there from previous messages, you’ll be able to work with this and create messages with relevant content quickly and easily.

Q. I have a corporate image library – how do I share this?
A. This is shared in exactly the same way as it was before. If you’ve got content in there from previous messages, you’ll be able to work with this and create messages with relevant content quickly and easily.

Q. I have a folder of shared images that my head office provided which contains common images – if we all have to have the same does this count against my FTP limit of 500MB?
A. Whatever limits were previously applied will remain in place, and your previous content is preserved. You’ll find it easier than ever to add images to your work for a truly brilliant result.

Q. Can I specify my own URL parameters in your URL Editor?
A. If you can include it as part of a URL, you can specify it in the URL editing box in the same way you can with our other editors.

Q. Can I use GTM Tags in URLs?
A. If you can include it as part of a URL, you can specify it in the URL editing box in the same way you can with our other editors.

Q. Can I use JavaScript in my campaign?
A. The majority of email clients do not support the use of JavaScript. Not only will the JavaScript not work in the email, it may actually cause your email to be blocked by some spam filters.

Q. Is my message mobile-friendly or responsive?
A. All emails created using the D&DE will be fully responsive – not just mobile friendly. The messages will automatically adapt to look amazing on phones, tablets and desktop computers.

Q. How do I change the background colour?
A. You can change the background colour by clicking the settings button in the toolbar and either dragging the crosshair to the colour you want or entering a hex code.

Q. How many blocks are supported in a message?
A. You can create as many blocks as you need, there is no limit.

Q. Which browser versions are supported?
A. We have decided to support the last two major versions of Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. Obviously we want you to have the best experience possible, but we looked at this carefully and any versions before this simply aren’t going to be able to support the advanced features of the editor. Updating your browser should be easy, but we do understand it isn’t always as simple as “Run Windows Update”. If you need advice on this, let us know and we’ll get back to you.

Q. Can I specify a colour using a Hex code
A. Yes you can. You can click to select the section you want to edit and click the ‘Component style’ button in the toolbar; then either drag the crosshair to the colour you want or enter your specific hex code.

Q. Am I able to import content from another HTML editor?
A. The majority of available editors in the market aren’t coding HTML in the same ways as ours which is explicitly designed to make the experience, and the result, first-class. We chose to safeguard this by not allowing HTML from other sources into the platform.

Q. How do I add a column?
A. Very easily. Simply drag a column from the Components toolbox if you’re adding a new block. Or, if you just want to add another column to an existing block, drag an image or a text box over until a vertical bar appears on the message next to where you want to create this.

Q. How do I add social sharing links/buttons?
A. You can do this by either using images, button blocks or standard text links and adding an image of your social icons along with a web URL.

Q. How do I remove a column?
A. Click on the column you’re looking to remove, then click the ellipsis (…) that appears. We call this our Options button. Now click on the dustbin icon and press Delete.

Q. How do I change the Border / Padding / Cell spacing in tables and cells?
A. All of these attributes can be changed in the Component Style toolbox – just click the Paint Roller icon on the right hand side.

Q. Can I change the plain text content?
A. Your plain text version is created by stripping all the HTML from around your content. There is nothing for you to do as we populate it as the email gets written. If you were to change the plain text without changing the HTML it could make the message less deliverable.

Q. How do I specify column widths?
A. Specifying column widths stops the email from being responsive, so we haven’t provided this as a feature. However, you can drag the proportions of the width in use but fixing the width isn’t going to get great looking emails.

Q. Will the D&DE work on my iPad?
A. The browser on the iPad is a trimmed back version of the browser that is natively installed on Apple Mac computers. Because of this reduction in functionality, we are unable to support it.

Q. Can I specify fields from a list that hasn’t been uploaded yet, like I can in the Visual Editor?
A. Yes you can, but in order to send the campaign the fields must be contained within a selected list in PureCampaigns. If these aren’t there then you won’t be able to send the campaign.

Q. The word I have typed has split over two lines. What should I do?
A. To edit words within a text box, simply go to the word that has split over two lines and press the enter key.

Q. Where’s the Send to a Friend link?
A. It is included in the default footer which is a saved component. You will also find the ‘View in browser’ and ‘Unsubscribe’ links in the default saved components. You can also find the Send to a Friend link in the Snippets section- double click on some text, and you’ll see a Snippets option in the text styling menu.

Q. Can I save a version as a template master?
A. Yes you can. Simply save your message and then request an ‘Inbox Inspection’ on step three of the create message process. The message will then be locked and can be used in future by clicking the ‘duplicate’ button.

Q. Does the editor support international characters?
A. All international characters supported by the encoding known as UTF-8 are supported. This covers pretty much every character in every written language.

Q. Can I get back the Snippets I previously saved?
A. Snippets are now called Saved Components and can be found on the right hand toolbar. We can’t get all of the ones you created in other editors back, but you can easily find them by opening previous messages and then recreating them in the new editor.

Q. Do you check to ensure my subject line and email body are in the same encoding?
A. Just for now you need to change to the ‘Subject Lines’ section of the message editor and ensure that you’ve selected UTF-8. However, in future releases this won’t be necessary.

Q. Can I use my own fonts?
A. We support the web fonts that the majority of browsers will display without needing additional software. This way you can be sure you’ll get the same results no matter what device your email is read on.

Q. Do you spell check my message?
A. We don’t spell check your content as you’ll normally find that your browser supports this natively. If it doesn’t appear to be doing so then check that you’re running the latest version.

Q. What happened to the FTP image upload?
A. We’re using a new technology to represent images in the platform but you can still use FTP to upload images as you did before.

Q. Is the D&DE editor UTF-8 encoded?
A. Yes it is – this is important as it makes internatlonal message content easy to create.

Q. Can I change the appearance of the D&DE?
A. We’ve spent a lot of time and trouble ensuring that our editor offers the best possible user experience – as well as looking pretty stylish! However, we always welcome feedback so if you can suggest any ways of improving this, we’d love to hear from you.

Q. Can I use Gifs?
A. GIFs (or animated images) are supported by most email clients and so are available for use in the editor.

Q. I have a specific device in mind – how do I get a preview that replicates it?
A. We’ve provided generic device sizes which we know are the same as most mobile phones and tablets. If you need something more specific, try the Inbox Inspection which is pretty comprehensive as it has 43 different size settings.

Q. Can I use video?
A. Video in email is not yet a well supported technology by the majority of email clients. It is within our scope and, as and when it becomes more widely adopted, you can be sure we’ll review this.

Q. How do I add personalisation fields?
A. Simply type a { and we’ll display a list of all the fields we can find in your list. Start typing to narrow these down and then click on the field you want to use for personalisation. You can also override these with fields from lists you haven’t uploaded yet.

Q. Can I change the CSS?
A. We do not support editing of the CSS at present but this may be made available in future releases should there be enough demand for it.

Q. How do I add Snippets I saved in the Old Editor?
A. Snippets are now called Saved Components and can be found on the right hand toolbar. Default Header now contains View in Browser and Default footer contains Unsubscribe and Send to a Friend links. We can’t get all of the ones you created in other editors back, but you can easily find them by opening previous messages and then recreating them in the new editor.

Q. How do I add Dynamic Content?
A. Dynamic Content is a valuable business feature which we’re in the process of bringing to this editor. As this is part of our overall vision you can be sure we’re as keen to get it available as you are. It will be supported in future releases.