If you want to create a segment from your Contact list that is filtered out based on a date value you will need to follow the same process as creating any other type of segmentation rule.
In the lists section find the list you would like to filter.
In the lists options click on the Segment button to create a new segment.
Give the new segment a name, and you can begin adding in search criteria.
Once you've named your Segment you can select which field from your Contact list the rules will be based off.
In order to create Date based Segment you will need to choose from the dropdown only fields that you know contain dates:
Once you've specified which field the rule will apply for you will need to set a condition and a value number.
The conditions will usually represent periods of time: X days, weeks months or similar countable options:
Once you have a condition set you will need to specify the numerical value:
When you have added all the rules you need just click on Create Segment and all records matching the rules you've applied will fall into that segment.