Either select edit on an existing Drag & Drop message, or to go messages, then new email message and select Drag & Drop editor from the drop down.
Select the components tab on the top right to open the sidebar menu. From the blocks section of the menu, select the social block and drag it into your email. Blue guidelines will appear to help you drop the block in the right place.
Click onto the block and on the select icons button, this will open a pop up where you can select what icons you’d like to use.
Start typing the name of the social network you’d like to add in the search for an icon field. Once you’ve found the one you need, insert the link in the box to the right.
You can add more icons by clicking on add another icon. You can add up to a total of 6 icons.
You can change their order by dragging the squares icon next to the bin.
Once you’re happy with what you have click on use these icons button at the bottom of the window.
When it comes to placement of the social media icons, most marketers opt for putting them either at the top of the email or at the bottom. To find the positioning that works best for your newsletter, we would suggest testing the different options and tracking the clicks. No one can give you a better insight of what works best with your subscribers, than your subscribers themselves.
Benefits of using social media icons
Including social media links in your emails can help grow your fan base and make your subscribers aware of other channels where they can engage with your brand. This can help drive your overall engagement on social media. If your brand is active on social networks, they can be a great tool for community building between your subscribers and your brand.
Another great way to integrate email and social is to add a share to Facebook link to your campaign as well.